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wedding ceremony.


  • A no obligation quote that I will send to you upon your initial enquiry, with a detailed description of my services, and instructions on how to secure my services for your wedding ceremony on the date you've chosen.

  • A meeting to go through ceremony requirements, as well as the completion of the Notice of Intended Marriage (NOIM). This is when I will require the identification documents relevant to your circumstance (I will advise you of what's required and ensure you have all relevant documentation.) Shortly after our meeting I will provide you with a questionnaire for you to both fill out, to assist me in creating a personal and unique ceremony that reflects you both, and your relationship together.   

  • I will then send you a draft ceremony.  We can meet again to discuss or correspond as often as you like via email or telephone. 

  • Rehearsal at the venue (venue permitting) in the days prior to your ceremony. 

  • A professionally printed marriage certificate.

  • A copy of your wedding ceremony.

  • Completion of all legal paperwork and lodgement with the relevant authorities on your behalf.  (Please note, after the marriage couples must apply for their own Registered Marriage Certificate from Births, Deaths and Marriages.

  • A professional quality PA system with MP3 player ( USB) and iPhone connectivity, for use at the ceremony for background music.

  • I will dress appropriately to ensure that I compliment the bridal party and reflect your dress code.

elopements / legals only ceremony.


There are a few scenarios in which this type of ceremony can lend itself to.  Should a couple want an intimate and private affair to forego the excitement and expense of a customary wedding, or if an overseas ceremony's legality within Australia is questionable (for example, certain wedding ceremonies conducted in Bali, where the validity of marriage can often be uncertain), an Elopement / Legals only ceremony may suit couples who desire to marry with only two witnesses present (which is the legal requirement).


My services include:

  • A no obligation quote that I will send to you upon your initial enquiry, with a detailed description of my services, and instructions on how to secure my services for your wedding ceremony on the date you've chosen.

  • A meeting for discussion of the ceremony draft and attend to the legal documentation. Your  identification documents relevant to your circumstances will need to be presented at this time.

  • A professionally printed marriage certificate.

  • Completion of all legal paperwork and lodgement with the relevant authorities

  • I will dress appropriately to ensure that I reflect your dress code.

commitment ceremonies.


I offer a commitment ceremony that is as full in content, of love and promise, dedication and loyalty as a legally recognised ceremony.   A significant and meaningful ceremony that will allow any couple to publicly declare their love and commitment to one another.


  • A no obligation quote that I will send to you upon your initial enquiry, with a detailed description of my services, and instructions on how to secure my services for your wedding ceremony on the date you've chosen.

  • A meeting for  discussion of the ceremony draft and attend to the legal documentation. Your  identification documents relevant to your circumstances will need to be presented at this time.

  • Access to my resources (poems and verse, sample vows, ritual ideas and music suggestions).

  • A follow-up meeting to go through the first draft of your ceremony, then after this second meeting I will email you an updated draft of your ceremony.  We can meet again to discuss or correspond as often as you like via email or telephone. 

  • Rehearsal at the venue (venue permitting) in the days prior to your ceremony. 

  • A Commitment Ceremony certificate.

  • A professionally printed copy of your ceremony.

  • A professional quality PA system with MP3 player ( USB) and iPhone connectivity.

  • I will dress appropriately to ensure that I compliment the bridal party and reflect your dress code.

renewal of vows.


A beautiful way to honour your marriage and to celebrate your commitment to one another, the re-affirmation of your vows to mark an anniversary is the ultimate romantic gesture.


My services include:

  • A no obligation quote that I will send to you upon your initial enquiry, with a detailed description of my services, and instructions on how to secure my services for your wedding ceremony on the date you've chosen.

  • A meeting to discuss the style of ceremony you'd like, and how we can both achieve this together, to create the ceremony that represents you best.

  • Access to my resources (poems and verse, sample vows, ritual ideas and music suggestions).

  •  A personalised, unique ceremony specifically created for you, and one that reflects you both, and your relationship.

  • Rehearsal at the venue (venue permitting) in the days prior to your ceremony. 

  • A Commitment Ceremony certificate.

  • A professionally printed copy of your ceremony.

  • A professional quality PA system with MP3 player ( USB) and iPhone connectivity.

  • I will dress appropriately to ensure that I compliment the bridal party and reflect your dress code.

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